A few weeks back I headed to Minneapolis, Minnesota for a dual purpose trip. The first being Watkins Annual Leadership Conference where I met a bunch of nice ladies who I've been wanting to meet for a long time. The second was to hang out my two favorite Midwestern girls, Allison of VAMH and Dusty of All Things G+D. I love these two girls so much. They have become two of my best good friends along with a bunch of other chicks who I might have mentioned before on this blog. Minneapolis was ... Read More about Plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery
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Pumps and The Bump.
Pumps and a bump, pumps and a bump. We like the girls with pumps and a bump. Man, if I wore high heels like... ever, that would be a really great name for a blog. I may have to Google that just to see if it's already taken. Anywho...now that I have that classic MC Hammer song good and stuck in your head, let me explain the title of this post. Remember last week when I asked for your nomination for the Best Mommy Blogger award over at thebump.com? Well guess what? I made the cut!! Woot! THANK ... Read More about Pumps and The Bump.
You’re either eeen or you’re out.
Last night I finished reading Breaking Dawn, the fourth and final book in the Twilight Series. In case you've been hiding under a rock lately, these books are the biggest thing to hit bookstores since Harry Potter cast his spell on the world a few years back. I have never really been one to go with the herd on phenomenons of pop culture like this. In fact I have never even cracked the cover of a Harry Potter book, or seen any of the movies for that matter. Same with LOTR. This has always ... Read More about You’re either eeen or you’re out.