After Christmas we took an impromptu trip to Kentucky to visit my Grandpa and my dad’s side of the family. They had never met Garrett, or J for that matter, so we felt a visit was long overdue!
I was worried about G taking that long of a roadtrip, but he did GREAT!
He slept from Fultondale all the way to the Tennessee state line, so that helped a lot. Granddaddy sat in the backseat with him the whole way up there and back. They played Peek-A-Boo and other games to pass the time when he wasn’t sleeping.
G still loves this Pop-up pals toy. It’s got some entertainment longevity, that’s for sure.
This face cracks me up! He’s so focused on trying to turn those knobs.
When we got to Kentucky, we saw a whole bunch of my family members, including my Grandpa (G’s great-grandpa).
Here I am showing how G inherited his feet from him!
It stinks having Fred Flintstone as an ancestor.
My grandpa is over 90 years old, and I’m so glad that he got to meet Garrett.
Here is our four generations picture. See any resemblence? hehehe
We drove up to Kentucky and back in two days, and on the day that we returned we went straight to my sister’s house for a party with Cousin Michael and my aunt’s family.
G and Evan shared a toy, which was a pleasant surprise, considering the knock-down-drag-outs the his Daddy and I used to have.
Check out Baby Evan’s CHEEKS!!! SQUISHY PUFFY CHEEKS!!!
Even though we were dead tired from our six hour road trip, we had a great time hanging out on my sister’s new back deck and grilling steaks. They served us a wonderful meal, and G enjoyed a whole bunch of potatoes, corn, steak, rolls and even some Edgar’s strawberry cake.
He was a happy dude.
On the food front, things have moved at lightning speed. At his nine month checkup the Dr. gave us the green light for any and all foods except for nuts, milk, honey and shellfish. And since then, G has turned into an eating MACHINE! He hates baby food now, but will scarf down real people food like a champ.
I can’t even begin to list all of the foods that he has tried but I will say that the only thing he doesn’t like is strawberries and Gerber Pasta Pickups. Everything else gets woofed down. He loves fruits and veggies, especially. And yogurt. And beef stew. And biscuits. Especially Red Lobster garlic cheese biscuits.
We are slowly reducing the number of bottles he gets. Right now he’s getting about 6 oz first thing in the morning, another 6 oz around his morning nap and another 6 around his afternoon nap, and that is about it! I’m so happy to have dropped the nighttime bottle altogether, because that one scared me the most. I knew he was becoming dependent on it to help him fall asleep, so we just took it away cold turkey. And he has done great with that! I’m so proud of him!
Sleep has been abundant lately, and I’m not really sure why. I don’t know if this is a growing thing, or if he’s sick, or if he just plays so hard now that he needs more rest.
He sleeps harder than ever, which is great for photo ops:
Last night he fell asleep at 4:30 in the afternoon, and didn’t get up until 7:00 am!! J and I were shocked! Bless his heart, he’s just pooped these days.
When we cleaned out our cabinets last week we gave him his very own drawer with all of his lunch containers in it.
He is obsessed with opening the bottom drawer which used to contain all of our grilling tools, barbecue skewers and other weapons of mass baby destruction, so we took all that out and replaced it with more baby safe stuff. The downside of this is that I now have First Years lids and sippy cups strewn from one end of my house to the other.
He has recently started this new habit of hiding toys under the couch. Like Woodrow when he was a puppy hiding his toys under the barbecue grill, G will spend all this time pushing stuff under the couch, never to be seen again. One morning I was getting ready and could not find my shoes anywhere. Finally it dawned on me that I had last seen them beside the couch. I checked underneath the couch, and sure enough, there were my shoes. G had hid them from me.
It scares me to think what all we will find under our furniture when we move out of this house. Maybe I should start an inventory of my underwear.