For his first birthday G received this Anamalz Bear from his auntie Martha. He also got a Reindeer, but Reindeer has gotten been squirreled away somewhere under my couch already, and I am too lazy to get down there and dig him out. I will try to do that later for a photo op just because I LOVE these guys so much. They are handmade from organic maple, assembled with formaldehyde free glue and painted with non-toxic waterbased paint so they are kid safe. Their legs are all very bendy so you can pose them in different positions. Super cute.
G loves this bear so much that it has become my special diaper changing toy. And anyone who has wrassled with an alligator in a diaper knows what a big deal that is. He will lie still and check out this bear, then he will chew on his snout and backside. Better than a girl scout cookie, which I have been known to resort to here lately.
Thanks Auntie Martha, for introducing us to these awesome little toys! I may have to collect them all!
They also have a bluesy music cd that is one of the best I’ve heard for kids (and parents) in a long time! It’s going in my collection for sure.
Love it! I’ll have to check them out.