Pumps and a bump, pumps and a bump. We like the girls with pumps and a bump.
Man, if I wore high heels like… ever, that would be a really great name for a blog. I may have to Google that just to see if it’s already taken.
Anywho…now that I have that classic MC Hammer song good and stuck in your head, let me explain the title of this post. Remember last week when I asked for your nomination for the Best Mommy Blogger award over at thebump.com?
Well guess what?
I made the cut!! Woot! THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who nominated me!
Now I need to ask for just a little more help from you guys. Can you please go back over to the site and vote for me again? Just a simple old point and shoot vote this time, no writing an essay. The voting period ends Monday, October 19th.
I also discovered that you can vote as many times as you like, so if you wanna click it 2 or 3 or fifty-leven times that would be outstanding. J said that he might trade in his Mafia Wars and Farm Town addiction this week and just click on this site. If he does that he just might singlehandedly win it for me, as much clicking that goes on over those Facebook addictions games. Too bad I can’t go to the marketplace and hire some folks to come harvest my crop of votes and plow away my competition. Instead I’ll harvest your votes here on my blog. If you’re so inclined, I would surely appreciate any votage you could give me this week.
Please vote for me in the miscellany category!
If you’ve stumbled onto my site from The Bump, here’s a little background on me. I am a way-back member of The Knot Nest Bump boards. You might know me as TheBryansWeBe aka TBWB. I joined way back when I got engaged in 2003, and these boards carried me all the way through my wedding, my new house and currently my not-so-new baby. I was around when The Knot kicked all of us married girls off the boards and forced us over to The Nest. I was a regular on YNH turned YH turned D&R. I created TheGardenBio and TheShower&PartyBio. I joined the debauchery that was The Great Ballard Rave of 2005. Everything I ever needed to know about infertility I learned on the T-TTC board. I’ve never laughed at a computer screen as hard as I did the night that Natalie102503 got banned from the boards for putting up an ugly fake bio as a joke when she was named Nestie of the Week.
Nowadays I’m a more of a lurker than a poster, but I still do a little posting from time to time. The best thing that I’ve gained as a member of this website is the gaggle of incredible women that I inherited from the D&R board. I’ve established life-long friendships with 20 girls from around the country (heck, the GLOBE when one was deployed to Afghanistan!). I’m unexplainably thankful for these friendships, so even if I don’t win this award, I already feel like I’ve won.
Thanks guys!
Much love!
TBWB – I go way back to remembering you from the YH days. I can’t believe that all you ladies are still friendly after all these years! Remember Molly Allison?
Love your blog.
Sho nuff! Thanks for your comments! 🙂