It’s actually been 2 years since I last posted here on Ye Olde Boppy Blog. Wow.
Since it’s been a while, let’s play a game of Two Truths and a Lie.
During the last two years I have:
- Lost my mom
- Lost over 100 lbs
- Lost my mind
- Truth. I lost my sweet mama in January 2023.
- Truth. I’ve lost 110+ pounds thanks to Mounjaro. For real. It’s crazy.
- Lie. Believe it or not, I’ve managed to keep a grip on all my mental faculties. But just barely.
Does anyone read blog posts anymore?
I posed this question on my Instagram and received several comments from folks who said “Yes. We are still here!” Wow. I’m glad to know that people with attention spans longer than a gnat still exist in this world. Who knew? Apparently, not everyone is disassociating from real life by doom-scrolling through ten-second videos all day long like me.
Some of you even said you missed me and had recently visited my blog to see if I had posted.
Like, WHAT?? I almost cried.

It feels strange opening back up here again after all these years of being quiet. The world has changed. Social media and the internet has changed. I have changed. During the hardest parts I chose silence. Silence felt safer.
Unfortunately, silence also meant I lost touch with many longtime readers and friends who encouraged me in my comments section. I apologize to everyone who remembers the Unskinny Boppy heydays. If you’re reading this, I am SO grateful you came back to catch up on my life. Sincerely, thank you.
But, it’s time to bring happiness and joy back into my life, and YOURS. More than ever, the world NEEDS folks who can deliver rays of sunshine to pierce through the darkness.
I intend to bring my blog back to life like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
Except I’m more like an elderly turkey tripping over my wattle.
I may move slower, but I’ll still be tasty on Thanksgiving.
I’m sorry for the loss of your mother… And glad to see you here again 🙂
Thank so much Nataly! I appreciate your comment so much!
Every sadness will pass. Keep going girl!
Thank you for the pep talk! I need it!