Super big and exciting and tremendously cool things happening here in the Bryan household.
It’s news so freaking awesome that I can’t even believe that I’m going to type it.
I mean, really, really exciting stuff.
And before you try to go guessing what it is, nope, we’re not pregnant. No little boudreaux jumping around inside of me just yet. But, for those of you who really know me, you’ll soon see that this news that I have to announce today is equivalent to the biggest announcements that anyone could ever make. This is right up there with, “I’m getting married!” or “I’m knocked up!” or “I saved 15% by switching to Geico!”. It is THAT FREAKING HUGE in my mind.
I kid you not.
I know you’re dying to know already, but first, are you sitting down for this?
Yeah, I guess most people don’t compute standing up. That would not make a lot of sense. Ok, so I’m glad you’re sitting down, because this news is going to knock your socks off.
Ok, you ready? You’re sure?
Ok, here we go…
::drum roll please::
Today, on this day that will live in infamy, we became the proud owners of this:
Which also means our boat will soon be sitting in the place of this:
Which means y’all are ’bout to be seeing a WHOLE HELLUVA LOT more of this:
No, I am not even kidding.
I’m going to go change my pants now because they are soaked from the excitement.