This contest has ended! Congrats to the winner!
So you may have heard about this little country music singer named Garth Brooks selling out not one but NINE benefit concerts in Nashville at the end of this month. That means somewhere in the neighborhood of 140,000 tickets were sold to benefit the victims of the Nashville floods.
Back in the 90’s I was a massive GB fan. Posters on my bedroom wall and everything. Back in those days we had these things called cassette tapes that you had to wait like 2 full minutes to rewind and play over if there was a particular song you wanted to hear. That’s a long time to wait for some Two of a Kind, Workin’ on a Full House, huh? Wow, I am much too young to feel this damn old.
Man the memories I have associated with that little blue and black cassette tape…
I saw Garth in 1995 at another sold out concert in Birmingham. It is STILL to this day the hands down best concert I have ever attended. And I’ve been to a whole bunch of concerts y’all. The roadtrip I took in college to see Dave Matthews is a really close second runner up, but Garth is still the best in my book. And that’s saying a lot if you’ve ever seen DMB in concert. Those little jimmy legs will captivate anyone.
I miss Garth Brooks on the radio.
For the record I mean this Garth Brooks:
Not this creepy dude here:
The morning the benefit concert tickets went on sale my sister had me on the phone dialing for dollars trying to score us some tickets. I struck out for the first hour, and then miraculously was able to get us some at plus a few extras while I was there.
I have decided that instead of trying to sell them I will do a giveaway! So, that means YOU might be going to the Garth Brooks concert too! I have three tickets available, all seated together. This concert is on the Tuesday night before Christmas in Nashville, so you might need to arrange some lodging unless you live in the Nashville Metro area (sorry, lodging is not included in this giveaway.) But what a great Christmas gift this could make for you and the country music lovers in your life!
I realize this is way beyond my control, but I would like to ask that you not enter if you are not able to actually attend the concert. At least give the tickets away to someone who will use them if you win. Donate them to some kids or something. I understand not everyone can drop what they are doing and head over to the Music City on a random Tuesday night, but maybe since it’s Christmas week you’ll have some time on your hands. If you live in the Southeast it’s a pretty easy drive to get there. This giveaway might be a little bit biased for my fellow Southerners.
Here are the important details about the show so you can take them into consideration before you enter:
Prize: You will win THREE (3) consecutively numbered tickets to the Garth Brooks Benefit Concert at Bridgestone Arena in downtown Nashville, TN. As a bonus, I hear his wife Trisha Yearwood will be there too! And “unnamed guests”!! So who knows might appear at the show!!
Date and Time: Tuesday, December 21st 2010 at 9:00 pm
For additional entries:
- Follow my blog and leave a comment.
- Add my blog to your favorite feed reader and leave a comment.
- Tweet or facebook about this giveaway and leave a comment.
Bring me two pina coladas.Call Baton Rouge and tell the Operator to put you on through.JUST KIDDING!
The fine print:
Drawing will end at 12:00 noon Central time on Saturday, December 4th, 2010.
Any entries made after this time will not be accepted.
You must leave your email address or a way to contact you in your entry.
Tickets will be emailed as a PDF or mailed as a hard copy. Your choice.
Sorry, but I’m not responsible for any lost, damaged or stolen tickets.

I have to choose just ONE song?! You’re kidding…right? Hehehe 🙂 I’ll say “Friends in Low Places” because I live in Kentucky, you guys live in Alabama. Alabama is “lower” (on the map) than Kentucky….hence “Friends in Low places! ♥Love♥&♥Hugs♥
Friends In low places 7th grade Homecoming! Yes I am from the country!
You are on my blogroll!
Facebooked it!
In Anothers Eyes – just sweet an endearing song.
The dance , of course ! It is the first song my husband and I ever danced to because it was my favorite and my friend played it to get us together!
I facebooked, added you to my blog reads, and hope I get picked. My email is the email address I subscribed to your blog with, let me know if that will do! 🙂
Too Excited!!!
Friends in Low Places – singing this song at the top of my lungs in the basement with my brother while watching our dad’s recorded performance from the live tv concert!
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Definitely “The Dance” that is an emotion stirring song!
[email protected]
Friends in low places. We sang that song a lot on college!
[email protected]
Facebooked it!
Subscribed to you in google reader!
Friends in low places – middle school skating rink- ohyeah! LOL
You can get a hold of me by email – [email protected]
“when you come back to me again” – frankly because after every failed fertility cycle, and after miscarriage, I sing this song at the top of my lungs
[email protected]
I facebooked about it as well
I’m following your blog now
Rodeo is one of my favorites!! There are so many I love, but I used to sing Rodeo on my way to horse shoes. I still think of it all the time when I watch my little brother compete.
[email protected]
I’m following your blog!
[email protected]
Facebooked about it!
[email protected]
My favorite? That’s a tough one! But, if I had to choose JUST ONE…at this moment…it would have to be “She’s Every Woman” – because…well…I am! And, you are too!
A VERY close second would be “Shameless” just because it’s hot!
[email protected]
Definitely “Friends in Low Places”…too many (drunk)memories at bars singing this at the top of my lungs whenever the DJ played it or it blared out of the jukebox. These tickets would give me and my hubby the opportunity to visit his Aunt who just moved to the Nashville area last year. Fingers crossed!
[email protected]
“Wild as the Wind”…This reminds me of me and my true love, my husband. Everyone thought he was the bad guy and I was to good for him, but we have proved everyone wrong! He is an awesome husband and father to our kids!!!
[email protected]
No Fences came out when I was in sixth grade. I had a monster crush on a guy in my class named Lance. He was a Garth fan. I saved up my allowance for a long time. No Fences was the very first cassette I ever bought with my own money. Unanswered Prayers is definitely my favorite song. While my prayers to marry Lance were never answered, I married my soulmate almost two years ago. Although he’s not that big in to country music, he loves Garth!
[email protected]
Well, I would have to say “To Make You Feel My Love”. First song I heard on the radio the morning I left the hospital after my Mother had passed away. Every word spoke to me!!! My Mother sacrificed so much to show her whole family her love. In turn I would do the same. She courageously battled Luekemia and it was for her family because she would go through anything to make us feel her love! We played the song at her funeral. She is missed everyday! I would love to hear Garth in concert.
[email protected]
Definitely “Friends in Low Places” … have many memories of friends singing that in karaoke bars! I’ve never seen Garth but would love to have an excuse to cut away to Nashville for a little pre-Christmas trip to see him!! I have seen Dave Matthews in concert 8 times and can’t imagine anyone topping their concert! Would love to see if you’re right.
oh, and I’m so glad I saw this on a friend’s FB account b/c I used to read your blog and lost it! So glad to have found you again. 🙂
Oh, and I’m following you in Google Reader!
I tweeted about it here:
Sunny — sunnyslone(at)yahoo(dot)com
Adding this comment for Martha Shaw: “Beth, I read your blog but couldn’t figure out how to add a comment and I have never twittered, so here’s my comment in hopes to win the three tickets.
I loved Garth Brooks when he first became known. I have missed him performing, making new records and appearing at Award Shows. My favorite song, Friends in Low Places, added like a “Bad Boy” touch to a home grown “good boy”. When he won his first Award, he was so shy, he wouldn’t go on stage until he finally coached his wife Sandy to come with him. Every great man has a good woman behind him and this scene showed what a good husband he was. To stop touring until his daughters are grown shows how much he loves them, too. If I win the tickets, I will go to Nashville with my two life long girl friends and Trish’s brother lives in Nashville, so we can stay with him. This will allow three late 50s/early 60s friends to act like school girls at a concert I would love very much to see! Anyway, Dec. 9th is my birthday. What a great birthday gift these tickets would be.”
Unanswered Prayers; really just hit home when things didn’t go the way I had them planned as a teenager.
I have many but 2 of my faves are of course The Dance as it was the first time I really discovered G and I wrote him a letter about how it helped me deal with the loss of my brother at the age of 21 and was able to give it to him after a concert in 1990. Saw him a month later and asked if he read it and he said he did but I know he did because I didn’t have to say much about it before he stopped me and said he did. The other is I Don’t have to Wonder because he was talking about it on the radio one night when I was thinking about suicide and he said suicide isn’t the answer and I haven’t thought about it since so he literally saved my life. I could go on because he always has at least 1 song on every album that speaks directly to me and is what I need to hear when I need to hear it and gets me through whatever I am going through.
Sorry I’m new to this blog thing but I’m “anonymous” (kind of funny that it’s about Garth huh? LOL) Anyway, my name is Jill.
I just posted the link to the contest on my facebook wall too.
I have to say seeing my dad sign friends in low places year after year at his christmas party is something I will never forget – misty sutton [email protected]
I have to say seeing my dad sign friends in low places year after year at his christmas party is something I will never forget – misty sutton [email protected]
Enjoying (still today) the memories of all my buddies serenading Friends in low places to us at our wedding! Adam Sutton [email protected]
I cried while watching Oprah just the other day when Garth was on there and he sang Unanswered Prayers, gets me every time!
I cried while watching Oprah just the other day when Garth was on there and he sang Unanswered Prayers, gets me every time! [email protected]
Do I really have to only list one favorite song?!?!
I have so many…. I remember sitting in the school parking lot listening to the redneck boys blasting Friends in Low Places. I remember kissing a boyfriend while Shameless played in the background (is it bad to say that whenever I hear Shameless I go back to 11th grade kissing James Burgess?!?!).
I would love to win! & I already have 2 favorite friends I would pick to roadtrip with!
[email protected]
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I have lurked for awhile, but I am officially a follower now! 🙂
[email protected]
Any and all of his songs! Singing them with a new crowd of friends while waiting to see him on “The Howie Mandel Show” back in the day. My college roomie and I flew from Ohio to L.A. just to go. It was a whirlwind trip but totally worth it.
amykhughes @
Added you to my google reader too!
amykhughes @
Also posted on my FB & Twitter! 🙂
amykhughes @
Wrapped up in you would be my favorite cause it was one of mine and my now husbands songs when we were dating in high school and its one song that I can have stuck in my head and sing over and over and never get annoyed with it
Okay I didn’t give you an email or anything either last night. I’m “anonymous” “Jill” and my email is [email protected]
Unanswered Prayers – I love this song. It brings back fun and sad memories from my high school and college years.
I just found his ex-wife Sandy Brooks’ checkbook in the Olive Garden parking lot yesterday. I knew where she lived so I took it to her. She was so thankful and had no clue she had even lost it.
I love a lot of his songs but the most fun to sing is “friends in low places”. I sing along at the top of my lungs every time it comes on. My senior prom theme was “the dance”. My second favorite is “unanswered prayers”, it’s such a beautiful song.
I would love to be able to see him in concert! I’d be more than willing to pay for tickets too.
PS. I’ve read your blog for a long time now. We live in the same state.
[email protected]