Whoever coined the term “April showers bring May flowers” obviously wasn’t from around these parts.
We’ve had so many flooding rains lately that I now own riverfront property.
This is the small stream that is in my neighborhood. On any given day you’d never even know this stream existed. This morning it was nearly over the road.
Last night it stormed long and loud, and Garrett kept me awake all night long crying over the FUNDER! Mama! Funder! I saw every hour on the clock until finally at 2:30 I made him a pallet on the floor beside the guest bed upstairs and we fell asleep until 6:00 am. That’s the biggest downside of the rain.
On the upside, these rushing streams are carrying away a winter’s worth of fallen leaves that I don’t have to contend with anymore!
So I am not complaining, because like Cousin Luke says…rain makes corn, corn makes whiskey barrels, whiskey barrels makes my camellias feel a little frisky. Or something like that. 🙂
As a gardener I’ve learned never to complain about rain. I don’t want to be eating my words in mid-July when my water bill is $90 a month and there isn’t a cloud in the sky.
So right now I’m just letting my newly planted containers and window boxes soak it all in and enjoy their nice tall drinks of spring rain water.
My lettuces love it.
My rosemary is reveling in it.
My snapdragons fell off the wagon.
And my daisies just think I’m crazy. And now so do all of you.
This is the quality of blogging you get from me when I’m running on very little sleep and even less energy.
Rain is a good thing!
We’re getting our fair share of rain too. At least it’s taking away the snow!!
Jackie was afraid of the funder, too. I’ve nicknamed her the “Thunder Chicken”.