I’ve got Spring Fever something FIERCE right now. Anyone else feeling me? Temps are in the mid 70’s today and it’s just glorious round here! I spent the day planting flowers in the containers around the pool. Hoping that they survive through the impending cold snap that is inevitable when we have this kind of teaser weather in February.
I’ve been spending hours on Pinterest getting lost in beautiful pictures of happy gardens gathering ideas. It’s pretty easy to sit on my butt on the sofa and wander down garden paths but it’s not quite the same as the real deal. I keep remembering my trip to Vancouver and Victoria a few years ago when I visited Butchart Gardens.
If you are EVER in say, a 1,000 mile radius of Victoria, British Columbia you have gotta check this place out. Preferably in mid-April when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.
The Sunken Gardens of Butchart. Oh man. It’s what I picture the gardens of Heaven to look like. Angels play in this garden. Seriously. Cue the choirs.
And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known…
These purple beauties were just stunning. I think they are hellebores? Maybe? Maybe not?
And the tulips. Oh, the tulips.
Come and tiptoe through them with me.
There were a frajilion tulips in this place.
And they all had some perfectly complimentary flower planted underneath to hide their legs.
I would like to extend my deepest gratitude and sympathy to the kneecaps of the workers who planted all these bulbs.
I could just eat these yellow ones with a spoon. I mean really. Just sop them up with a biscuit. They are DELICIOUS.
I NEED one of these hanging baskets. It’s not a want. It’s a need.
Check out this super awesome little window to the world that looked out of the garden onto the blue lagoon on the other side. Amazing.
There were waterfalls and reflecting pools and ponds all around the gardens, too.
I loved this little winding path of stepping stones across this koi pond. But you better believe that I stepped lightly across them and tested each one out to make sure I wasn’t on some kinda MXC hidden camera.
Looking at these pictures inspire me to be a better gardener. I absolutely love flowers, greenery, trees, nature, dirt, leaves, rocks, water, sky. It’s therapeutic to me to be outside all day digging in the dirt. That’s why I’m thankful Spring is here again. I cannot wait to see what my new yard can become. It’s always going to be a work in progress, but that is what I love about gardening. There are always seeds to be sown.
And it’s soooooo worth it.
PS– These photos are proof that you don’t need a fancypants camera to take pretty pictures! I shot every single one of these pics with a Canon Powershot A620 point and shoot camera.

I’m lucky that I live about 10 minutes from Butchart Gardens! We go there often in the Summer for the fireworks every Saturday night and in the Winter too – there is always so much to see! Thanks for posting and bringing back memories…
I have the worst case of Spring Fever ever!!! So, come sit by me!
Your photos are a feast for the eyes. It is in the mid 80s here today and I just can’t wait for it to be consistantly warm!
We went to BG several years ago and were AMAZED! Your pictures are beautiful.
These pictures are amazing! Simply beautiful!
Those pictures are so gorgeous they don’t even look real!!! Amazing!
The purple flowers arent Helleborus. They are called Pulsatilla Vulgaris.
Best regards
Eva from
Oh I forgot, the fringed tulip is called Curly Sue. 🙂