So I put out these gigantor mums by my mailbox earlier this week…
I was so excited about them. They are orange and yellow and ready to burst out in color.
I stacked these pretty blue and white pumpkins up in front. All the neighbors rejoiced that I finally put some color in the barren landscape that I call flower beds.
And two days later as I drove Garrett to school I saw that my gigantor chrysanthemums were wilted and all the little buds were starting to shrivel up and die.
Needless to say, without a hosepipe in sight, my mailbox will not be adorned with fall flowers. Last night I hauled all the mums up to my patio and gave them a tall drink of water. They will survive, but I nearly killed them.
Maybe next I’ll try a scarecrow or hay bale or something more subtle… like this.
But for now? Fall mums by my mailbox = FAILBOX. At least they were pretty while I snapped these pics!
Same thing happened with me!! I dunno, sometimes Mums do awesome and other times they don’t. Oh well, your mailbox looked great!
I hate it when I do stuff like that!!! I swear, I really don’t *try* to kill everything, I’m just so darn good at it! I’m like the plant assassin. (c: However, I really am enjoying the thought of your “subtle” approach…(c:
Had the same thing happen to me last year, once I moved them and remember they needed water, they survived! But they did look gorgeous up by your mail box! Great job!
Very pretty!
You just saved me from spending $30 on beautiful Mums. I knew it was stupid, which is why I put it off. After all, I kill all plant-like substances. But if you can’t even keep them alive, then I know I certainly can’t. I shall NOT buy the Mums.
My mums already fried…with water. Maybe it’s a bad batch this year 🙁 boooooooo!
Ha! I’m famous for killing plants at my house…so much so that my husband dug out my garden and paved it for a front porch. Glad you were able to save them!
[…] down there since there isn’t a watering hose within about 600 meters. No mums for me after last years failbox mailbox experience. Pre-dead cornstalks and hay are much better alternatives for me. I […]