October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and since the majority of my blog readers have a pair of boobs on them it occurred to me that I should do my part in spreading the word. Like one of my friends posted on facebook today- ladies, check your boobies and schedule your mammograms, it’s breast cancer awareness month!
It’s likely that you’ve been touched by breast cancer in some way. One of my friends lost her life to this terrible illness about ten years ago. I still think about her often and say prayers for her kids who have grown up to be beautiful individuals. I’ve had a number of friends who have gone to battle against it, and they are proud to call themselves survivors. . One of those survivors is my friend Karan from Karan’s Pots and Glass on etsy. I’ve known Karan and her family since I was knee-high to a grasshopper in the early ‘80’s. I attended her wedding in the late 80’s where I lugged around a giant battery backup for my mom’s 12 ton video camera. Now that we are all living in an age where we have video cameras and old friends right in our pockets, our friendship is still alive through facebook and my blog and her etsy store. Karan is an amazing artist, with a shop full of all sorts of ceramic sweetness. My most favorite items are her signature sgraffito line of pottery with intricate geometric designs that she carves BY HAND.
BY HAND PEOPLE! Like I said, she’s amazing.
Another favorite piece that I have long admired is this pretty blue yarn bowl with a swirl cut out to keep your yarn from getting tangled. I am not a knitter by any stretch of the imagination, but I know some knitters, and this would make an excellent gift. Actually, light bulb! Christmas gifts here I come.
I may not have yarn balls to contain but I do have silverware, and this vase trio is SO cute! I love the shape and color of this super unique silverware holder.
Since Karan is a breast cancer survivor, she also makes mugs and jewelry with the classic pink ribbon, which has become the universal symbol for cancer-free boobies.
When I saw that her pretty pink ribbon coffee mug had been featured in a Fight for the Cause breast cancer awareness etsy treasury, I decided to reach out to her and ask if she would like to donate one of her hand made breast cancer awareness mugs for a giveaway here at Unskinny Boppy. And she said YES! I love Karan. You would love her too, I have no doubt.
Doesn’t this mug look like it would be so cozy to snuggle up with on a cool autumn night? It’s even got the thumbgripper thingie that makes for an excellent mug, in my opinion. All of her mugs have them.
Her breast cancer awareness mugs are signed on the bottom by Karan, along with the inscription “BELIEVE”. Karan says “For me, I know that it was my Faith, Family, and Friends that got me through my showdown with breast cancer.” Amen, sister.
The mug has a steel gray glaze with a a pink interior and pink ribbon that Karan hand-stamped onto the front with a hand carved stamp. Did I mention she does all of this BY HAND? I love the way the bottom of the mug is turned out just a little bit like a teapot. It’s all pretty and ladylike and pink on the inside, but a tough as steel grey on the outside. Perfection.
If you don’t win the giveaway, consider purchasing one of these mugs for yourself or a friend. The best part? Karan donates $15 of every mug sale to breast cancer research, education, and/or awareness. She says, “As a survivor, I am thrilled to make something of beauty which shows support for such a worthy cause!” For this giveaway, I am donating $15.00 to the cause as well. If YOU donate to the cause, it will score you one entry into the drawing. It’s not a mandatory entry, but every donation will help!
So, who is ready to win one of these pretty lady mugs?
There are several ways that you can enter this giveaway, and I will be using a Rafflecopter for the drawing.
One of the entries will be to make a donation to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. In order to track donations better, I’ve set up a firstgiving donation page. This is not a mandatory entry, but ANY dollar amount would be very much appreciated. Here is a link to the First Giving Page. Be sure to come back here and enter your name to get credit for your entry.
The giveaway will start tonight and be open until Wednesday, October 10th, 2012 at midnight EST.
Giveaway is open to US addresses only. (My apologies to my Canadian friends.)
Disclaimer: I was not given any money or freebies in exchange for this post. This is a giveaway for the readers, by a reader. All my opinions about my friend are very much my own. She makes these things BY HAND, PEOPLE! She’s awesome.
Love the mug and I LOVE the yarn bowl. I do not knit, either! Her products are beautiful!
Her mugs and cups are the best! Really cute!!
She does beautiful work, and the mugs are certainly for a great cause!
P.S. The yarn bowl is my favorite 😉
Great giveaway! I like this one: http://www.etsy.com/listing/64118290/sgraffito-vase-or-crock
This is such a wonderful cause! Thank you so much for sharing from your heart and featuring such an incredible artist!
Love that cute mug and I love that you’re doing this! 🙂
Love that plate! What a great idea Beth!
Love the yarn bowl! I want it just to use as a decoration!
I love her coffee mugs! They would be great paired with some homemade hot chocolate mix for a teacher or coworker’s Christmas present!
What a great giveaway Beth! I’ll share ti on my fb page 🙂 I’m all about battling cancer!!!!
Silverware Crock Trio in Steel Gray Shino Glaze,,,LOVES!!!!
Oooh I love the mugs! I spend the next few months with my hands wrapped around big mugs, hers are beautiful! Love the thumb rest. So glad Karen was able to beat cancer <3
My aunt is a breast cancer survivor and I would love to give her a mug. So pretty!
This is so great Beth! I lost my mom to breast cancer 3 years ago and she was only 54. I started the couch to 5k program a few weeks ago because it has been a goal of mine to run in a marathon for her and others who have lost their battle with this illness. I would love to win this mug, and although everything in Karans shop is beautiful I would probably by 5 more of these to have a matching set. Thank you for doing your part to spread awareness! XO
I like the Small Mortar and Pestle in White Glaze
Just got squished for my annual check up last week! 2 minutes of being uncomfortable well worth peace of mind!
Karen is one talented girl – those yarn bowls are genius!!
I love the tangerine batter bowl!
I love it all, but those mugs are totally my favorite! Awesome Cause…XO, Aimee
What a lovely mug!! For a lovely cause! I hope oodles and oodles of money is raised! You are right…everyone has been touched by breast cancer!!
What an inspiration! Beautiful and talented! I would proudly use this and spread the word! Thanks for supporting the cause! Blessing to you! 🙂
I absolutely adore the utensils trio set. That blue coloring is beautiful!
Love the mug – seems like it is even big enough for the coffee I need in the morning!
Great cause! Great giveaway Beth! Heather
http://www.etsy.com/listing/80752538/small-wheel-thrown-berry-bowl-or like this
Wow, very touching, and thank you so much for sharing this. This month is tender for so many people out there. You are right when you said nearly everyone has been affected one way or another by this.
My granny died from her fight with breast cancer which spread through her body. She was only 52 years old and I was barely conceived at that point. I was named for her when I was born a few months later. Even though she is gone, she is one of the women who has had the largest impact on my life. She left me a character legacy like none other. And I just want to thank all of you who donate from the very bottom of my heart.
Thank you, both of you, all of you.
You could use that yarn ball for ribbon, too! How awesome!
i like Silverware Crock Trio in Steel Gray Shino Glaze
I love the Batter Bowl in Blue Purple and Lapis Glazes
I love the yarn bowls.
favorite item in her shop is Utensil Crock Duo in Lapis and Blue Purple Glazes
she does amazing work and I loved more than one thing on her site… but I do need a nice toothbrush holder and I see she makes those so I chose the Toothbrush or Razor Holder in Croc Blue Glaze- 6 Holes. very pretty!
The yarn bowls and utensil crocks are so pretty. I would love to use the yarn bowl!
love this
Find a Cure Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Beaded Wreath
Really like the Sgraffito Vase or Crock – Love the design and colors
Bud L – RC form
I adore the Shaker Set with Sgraffito- Wheel Thrown Salt and Pepper! Gorgeous!
i like the Yarn Bowl in Croc Blue thrown on Potter’s Wheel
I like the yarn bowls and also the cups!!
I love the Extra Tall Sgraffito Vase! [email protected]
I like the Toothbrush Holder in Cedar Shino (red brown) Glaze (4 holes).
🙂 Rhea Stogsdill Chladek
I love the blue pitcher.
I like the cedar and gray spiral mug
I would love to give this mug to my friend Tammy. She is a breast cancer survivor and this would lift her spirits.
I love the thrown and altered tea set!
Extra Large Sgraffito Pitcher is gorgeous
I like the batter bowls!
The think pink ribbon stretch bracelet
I love the Pink Beaded Strand Stones, Pearl and Glass necklace
pattifritz2000 at yahoo dot com
thank you for the chance
bathroom cup in ceder. beautiful!
Cactus green and shino serving bowl with handles
I LOVE the Extra Large Sgraffito Pitcher! Also the yarn bowl – I could use that!