I’m home today from my rocky mountain high after a trip to Utah (sorry John Denver, not Colorado) where I spent the weekend with Garrett visiting Salt Lake City and the Young Living Lavender farms in Mona, Utah.
Y’all. There is TOTALLY NOT ENOUGH ALPHABET to describe the beauty we witnessed on this trip.
It was just….
I mean.
For real, y’all.
I cannot even.
Absolutely stunning views every single direction I turned.
I won the free trip to Utah because I am a Silver with Young Living.
I was actually supposed to take the trip last year, but I had to defer it because I was so very pregnant with Caroline. I’m grateful that it worked out like it did, because Garrett and I got to attend along with my awesome team member Jocie from One Project Closer and our crossline friend Carrie from Making Lemonade.
We got to have a full day at the lavender farm on Friday, which is also one of the distilleries where Young Living makes their essential oils.
If I ever had any doubt that Young Living oils were the real did (I didn’t) then visiting this farm would erase any doubt. The Mona farm was MASSIVE, and it was just one of 15 farms that Young Living owns around the world.
They don’t just grow lavender at the lavender farm, but lots of other plants like Clary Sage, Melissa, Fennel and Wolfberries, just to name a few (honestly I got tired of walking so those are the first rows I saw…)
Can you guess which one this is?
That would be Clary Sage. 🙂
They were distilling Juniper the day we arrived, so Garrett got to sniff the raw materials before they were put into the distillery. We also got a free bottle of Juniper essential oil (along with MANY others) in our swag bags. 🙂
Experiencing this farm first hand along with my eight year old son was such an incredible adventure. Young Living is the ONLY essential oil company in the world that owns and operates their own herb farms.
Those essential oils you see sitting on the shelf at Walmart?
Yeah, no.
I can PROMISE you that those cheap oils do not come with the Seed-to-Seal quality that Young Living guarantees in it’s products. Our motto is “From our fields to your family”, and this weekend I got to walk around those fields and see it all for myself. And it’s the real deal.
The fact that Garrett got to join me on this trip to the most beautiful farm I’ve ever seen and make these memories together was just icing on the cake. I love this kid so very much. They were having a Draft Horse Show while we were there, so the farm was packed with kid-friendly things to do. I’m pretty sure he liked having a quick draw contest with the Wild West guys and seeing all the horses the best.
We had the best time together this weekend. He is an awesome travel buddy.
This Young Living journey has been one full of blessings for my family, but at this moment yesterday, standing in a dusty farm field with a rock in my shoe, I felt a part of something bigger than me. To be able to give him these memories is just incredible. Thank you, Young Living, for giving my family these amazing opportunities.
The view from the hotel wasn’t too shabby either…
Young Living has changed my life in ways I could never have imagined. Over the past three years since I bought my starter kit, Young Living has allowed me to quit my full-time job of 15 years. It has set me on a path to learning about wellness for my family. And, most of all, I’m pretty sure daily essential oils played a big part in giving us our surprise baby daughter because my hormones finally got the support they needed to be normal.
This “plant juice” that I rub on myself and my kids every day is not some new-age, hippie granola thing to be looked at with one eyebrow raised. As weird as it sounded to me at first, I’ve come to realize that essential oils are God’s gifts to us, grown straight from the earth and meant to nourish our bodies just like the food we eat. You’ve heard the term “food is medicine”? Well… yeah.
Every day I learn more about how to live a healthier life, and essential oils are a VERY BIG part of that journey. My friend Allison shared this quote with me this weekend and it resounded with me in a major way, especially after my mom’s recent open heart surgery. I’m a big fan of modern medicine, don’t get me wrong, but this is the way I want to live my life:

Want to learn more about using essential oils for yourself or your family?
Check out my new blog, Newfangled Naturals, dedicated to natural living for us normal folks!
You can also follow Newfangled Naturals on Facebook or Instagram. 🙂
If you’d like to see ALL of my photos from the weekend, you can view my flickr album here:
What a wonderful post, stunning photographs and preciousl memories. Thank you.
[…] saw these at the Young Living Silver Retreat in Utah last month and thought they were the cutest (and easiest) […]
[…] I was at the Young Living Silver retreat back in October I came home with a gallon Ziploc bag full of lavender straight outta the fields of Mona, Utah. […]