A few months back I found this inspiration photo of a desk that I really liked.
I immediately went to Craigslist and searched “queen anne desk” and low and behold, I found an ad for a $75 queen anne desk. The photo in the ad didn’t do this desk any favors, but I still saw potential there:
I felt like this desk and I were meant to be, even though it wasn’t much to look at in the photo and the craigslist seller was pretty flaky about calling me back. After a few weeks of phone and email tag she finally emailed me back and said she was having a moving sale one Saturday. Of course it was the exact same Saturday that I was driving over to Atlanta to attend the Country Living Fair. On a whim I decided to swing by the lady’s apartment since she was kindasorta on my route to ATL. When I finally laid eyes on the desk, I said, “Come to mama.”
And so it came home to live with me.
Here is what it looked like before I attacked it with a few coats of paint and my sander:
And here is what it looks like in my sunroom today:
I painted it and sanded it a few times to get the aged look. I chose not to put the brown glaze on this one because I liked the white peeking through instead of darkening it down. I added new knobs from Lowes, also.
Here was the piece I used for colormatching the paint at Sherwin Williams. This little chest was used at our lake cabin for a while, but now it’s waiting to become an end table to a yet-to-be-purchased side chair in this room.
Here is the paint label, in case anyone is interested in this color:
In hindsight I should have chosen the Duration aka Duralast paint from Sherwin Williams instead of the Superpaint. That Duralast paint is hard to beat as far as cleaning and durability over time. We used it on my old built-in desk and it was well worth the extra few dollars per can. Live and learn, though.
Somehow the paint came out a good deal lighter than this piece, but coincidentally it EXACTLY matches up with my Willow House Morningside caddy and door bucket. Couldn’t ask for much better than that, right?
The sunroom needs a chair and a rug and some wire management for my shameful dangly cords, but overall this room is pretty much complete.
For some reason though, it still does not make me feel 100% happy. I think it might be the curtains and the paint color that are throwing me off. They came with the house, and I’m not truly happy with either. Trouble is, I know these are custom curtains, and I can only imagine how much they cost the previous owners. I like the curtains, but I just don’t love them. The pattern is just so Laura Ashley to me, and the pink flowers are throwing off my blue-gray game.
But the cheapskate in me can’t bear to take them down and start over because I would never spend money on custom curtains like these.
What a crazy person I must sound like, huh?
So here is where I ask you… what would you do, folks? Do you like the curtains or no?
My brain has turned into mush these days. I really need some help figuring this out. Should I snatch down the flowerdy curtains or leave them up? Should I repaint the room or do something daring like a new modern wallpaper? What final accessories do I need?
As for rugs… well. We all know how I strike out with rugs. If you have any suggestions, my ears and inbox are wide open.

Want to learn more about painting furniture?
My friend Danielle wrote an AMAZING e-book all about it!
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I love how the room is coming together — the desk is PERFECT, and I totally think that chair is divine. You have impeccable style 🙂
Hello, I don’t know how I found you but I did so I am here lol
I LOVE your desk. I have one very similar to it that I purchased at Pier 1 probably 10 years ago.
If you don’t mind my opinion, I would say ditch the curtains and repaint in a lighter color that is YOU. *ooops* sorry, hope I didn’t offend you! If you keep the curtains and the wall colors you are being the person that picked those out and they aren’t you. The room would look better without any curtains at all until you get the ones your really want. You have a great decorating scheme going on already, I can just tell! The color of the desk and the chair are fantastic. Go with it! Don’t be afraid 😉
I hope I am not being too bold by saying all this!! If I am please forgive me !
No way did that offend me Sandy! That’s exactly what I’m looking for! 😀 I’ve had several of my friends echo your thoughts, so I think I’ll take the valances down and see how it looks.
Thanks so much for your comments, ladies!!
While I quite like the valances, I think I would also take them down…eventually, I would add in a textured blind that would cover the top about 8 inches and then long curtains on either side….I love curtains!! I think they just finish a room and give it a coziness 🙂 The desk is gorgeous and I also love that tufted chair you are considering. I look forward to seeing the finished room! I am curious to see what rug you go with and also how you deal with the dangly cords :-))
I dug and dug through your archives for goodies and I’m happy that I did, having found this beauty. Thanks for telling us the name, duly pinned.
[…] my final furniture painting project that I completed this year we cannot forget the beautiful Craigslist desk out in my […]
[…] yet again I went to my closet and pulled out the custom manual matched paint that I bought for my Craigslist desk and photo collage on a […]
[…] I brought it home and painted it with the same paint that I painted my Craigslist desk out in the sunroom. It has been sitting unfinished in my garage for quite a while waiting on me to […]
Fun! I’d love to see it (and pin it!) when it’s done! 🙂