You know when you get wind of a certain event and you just KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that it’s going to be the very best thing since sliced bread? That’s how I felt as soon as I heard about the Chapel Market that The Lettered Cottage was hosting in Pike Road. Based on the crowds I had seen at a yard sale they hosted with Rhoda a few years back I knew this was going to be HUGE. And man, was it ever.
The doors opened at 9:00 am, and when I arrived at 8:30 there was a line wrapping around the building and down the street waiting to get inside.
I called my friend Heather from At the Picket Fence who was inside the building and asked if I could sneak in a bit early. Thankfully she agreed. First I want to apologize. I’m so sorry to everyone who waited in line while I snuck in the side door early. To all those people shooting me daggers as I walked past and jumped ahead let me say this– I promise I didn’t buy anything before the event actually started so you didn’t miss out on anything! All of my time was spent hugging and screaming and meeting new/old friends that I have been online buddies with for a long time but never met before, like Mary from Urban Farmgirl (who has our picture together on her camera!)
I did get a shot of her gorgeous booth before it was attacked by the shoppers.
I also got my hugs in with Heather, Kari and Laura and snapped some pictures of Shaunna before their booths got bumrushed.
I visited my good friend Lucy from at the Lucy Lockets/ Southern Accents booth and took a ton of photos of all the goodness they were serving up..
I drooled a little over these vintage linens in Shaunna’s booth, and not I totally regret not snatching them up when I had the chance. Bummer.
Miss Mustard Seed’s booth was stacked with all sorts of gorgeousness. In fact the entire room was filled with treasures untold. I can’t even begin to describe it all but you can play a quick game of i-spy and figure out how many tears you need to shed if you were not able to attend.
So. Many. Tears.
But first I need to have a word about these cotton stems.
I’m not sure how to put this delicately, but…. These exact same things are free if you do a little roadside observation and don’t let a little thing called “laws” or “trespassing” get in your way. I’m not ever condoning illegal activity here folks, but… yeah. I will say that about 15 minutes into the market this entire box full of stems was TOTALLY EMPTY. So kudos to all you law-abiding citizens out there who get your cotton stems the respectable way. I applaud you!
Moving on…. let’s direct your attention away from my law-breaking self over here to the other corner of the room where I got to meet the lovely Mary Kay Andrews! She signed two books for me, which was so great because I have ZERO patience for standing in long lines for book signings at big box bookstores. I was just third in line for her book signing here, which were much better odds for me! She was incredibly nice and even took my card and complimented me on my photo. Mary Kay, if you’re reading this, please don’t tell anyone how my real life self doesn’t look as good as my business card / facebook profile photo self. Andplusalso, I cannot wait to dive into Christmas Bliss! Kisses!
Here I am with half of my friend Heather from At the Picket Fence. Seriously, she has lost about half of herself over the past year and she looks AMAZING. So, so proud of you, lady! I love this girl to pieces, and I cannot wait to see her presentation at the Country Living Fair on Saturday!
Here is a glimpse into Kari, Laura and Heather’s booth. I agonized over that red and white checked quilt and now I have remorse over not buying it. What was I thinking??? Ugh, Laura, if it’s still available please email me! Can I put it on layaway until the next Chapel Market?
Here is what the place looked like within about .002 seconds of the doors opening. And I am not even joking about that.
It was like an episode of Supermarket Sweep with about 500 contestants all running to grab their favorite items off the shelves. I just stood back and got out of their way. I don’t do well in panic-attack inducing crowds like these, so about halfway through the first hour I offered to be a gopher and make a coffee run for the girls in the Thistlewood booth. They all enthusiastically agreed that some refreshments were needed so I headed off to find them.
It took driving down the road about 5 miles to this cute little country store in the middle of nowhere, but by golly I found hot coffee for sale! I stocked up on bottles of water and diet cokes to hand out to some of the other vendors and distributed them like the good little Diet Coke Fairy that I am. Isn’t this store CUTE?? I just love back roads in Alabama. You never know what you’ll stumble upon.
After my coffee/ coke distribution I finished up my shopping for the day since I had to be headed back home for a Patty Griffin concert later that night. I met the kind people at Southern Makers Booth and contemplated how I could go about stealing this Alabama shaped chalkboard right out from under their noses.
Instead I headed over to Lucy’s booth, where I was able to swipe this SUPERFREAKINGGORGEOUSAMAZINGLYAWESOME Lucylocket from her! Be prepared for more info on it along with (hopefully!) a discount on her beautiful jewelry soon. I had admired this necklace at Haven, and when I saw it again I knew it had to be mine. Thank you, Lucy, for letting me have this piece of awesomeness to wear during my presentation at the Country Living Fair.
I just know that it’s going to be the rusty amulet that gives me secret vintage powers over my captive junk-loving audience. I will wear it with pride!
I also snagged three of these zinc pennants from Miss Mustard Seed, since I learned my lesson the hard way about passing up galvanized bunting when I see it for sale. Look out, Christmas décor… this time I’m prepared.
Over in Perfectly Imperfect Shaunna’s booth I scored this cute little acorn wreath that looks like something I would totally like to DIY but I know I don’t have the patience to DIY so I just bought it instead… I bet you know what I’m talking about, don’t you? Sometimes it’s just easier to pay full retail.
After saying my goodbyes to everyone and escaping outside to the cool, non-panic inducing open air, I stopped by the Acres of Hope Booth and met the lovely husband and wife team who are making masterpieces like this out of reclaimed wood. I got this for Garrett’s newly remodeled bathroom, which I cannot WAIT to show off to you guys. All proceeds benefitting a very good cause!
And my final “souvenirs” from the day were actually ones that I acquired the good old fashioned way—I stopped on the side of the road on my way out of the subdivision and picked up three of these odd brain looking fruits from under this Spanish-moss covered tree. Google tells me they are actually Osage Oranges, but they look like big green brains to me, so I’m going with brain fruit. Three in a bowl will make a great Halloween decoration this year! They are pretty sticky, though, so I hope they last another week. s
And that’s where my five finger discounts come to a sticky end.
I am SO hoping for a Chapel Market 2014, but I’m also hoping it’s opened up to vendors outside with tents instead of all inside one tiny (albeit beautiful) chapel. Excellent job, everyone!
Thanks for taking us along through pictures!
Totally drool inducing post! I would have loved treasure hunting there…except for the crazy crowds. Not so good with crowds, although with that many amazing finds in one place, I just might have suffered!
Too funny about the cotton…I was thinking the same thing! That’s how we use to do it anyway, before blogs & all. That store is too cute. Made my first trip to AL this summer (followed by a 2nd to go pick up my purchases ;o), and it’s my new favorite ‘pickin’ place’! Like you, though, I hate waiting in some lines, so as much as I would have loved to have gone, I probably wouldn’t have had patience to deal w/ lines and crowds.
Wow Beth it looks amazing indeed! Thanx for sharing it with those of us who could not attend. I think next year I may have to have my boys play hooky from school so we can drive the 8 hours there.
Thanks for sharing so many lovely photos–I want to crawl in them and take a real look around…sigh!
Oh…it’s not fair! All of you cute girls down there in the south getting together! I want to visit! I will be there in August so I’m going to keep my eyes open for anything happening in the Carolina Mountains area.
Thanks for sharing…it looked like so much fun!
Ashley Rane Sparks
Do you enjoy torturing people?
Looks like an amazing sale, and to think I missed it and I’ll miss the Country Living Fair this weekend, too. I may have to shut off all things blog and social media next week so I don’t see all that I missed.
Awesome job on the recap! It certainly was exciting…surreal actually! Haha on the cotton and why didn’t I see the green brains???? So cool for Halloween.
It was such an exciting day…everyone was so gracious and friendly. I loved being part of it and AMEN for a 2014 encore. Wish I could make it to the Country Living Fair to see your awesome presentation! No doubt it will be spectacular. Enjoy!
Looks like it was so much fun, although I would have been overwhelmed by the crowd. 🙂 I’m glad you went!
This looks totally amazing. And a bit scary for my pocketbook. So much fun! I’m wishing I was living in the south.
Also -your dress is adorable!
Thanks so much Kim! The dress is from Macy’s. Loving that flowy graphic print style these days. 🙂 Covers a multitude of sins.
I see osage orange at the first time.
Your contents are very interesting for me.
Looks like so much fun. I would have loved to go. Thanks for the great pictures anyway. I know what you’re talking about in a place like that- your eyes can’t look fast enough! Thanks for the tour!
Hello Beth,
Sounds like we have something in common (so I’m not the only one pickin’ me some roadside Alabama cotton)…I will say…I always do my pickin’ after the have used the huge machines and I take the leftovers. I see that you caught me shopping in the crowd. I was third in line and I am so glad that I got there so early…came away with some wonderful goodies. Heather told me Saturday that you were doing a demo at CL fair Saturday afternoon, and I was sad that I will miss it. After the Hometalk meet-up, we are leaving so we can make it to Auburn, in time for our game. I too hope that they will expand the market next year. I sell vintage/farmhouse/new items here in Mobile at Antiques at the loop and I would love to be a vendor next year at Pike Road. I saw where you said something about Mount Laurel having a fair…have you been a vendor there? A spring fair sounds very interesting to me and I love that area. I discovered it 2 1/2 years ago when we purchased my daughters wedding dress there. Hope we get to meet Saturday at the Hometalk meet-up.
Hey Linda! Yes, I’ve been a vendor at Mount Laurel before. It’s THE BEST. Very laid back, easy going folks and best of all it’s free! They have a spring and fall market along with a farmers market every Saturday in the summer. Great place to set up a booth.
I hope to see you Saturday! Can’t wait! And War Eagle to you! 🙂
Love it Beth! I wanted to come so bad 🙁 this helped a lot. Did you stop for some cotton too?
Debbie we missed you! I was a good girl and didn’t do any cotton field trespassing that day. 🙂
Thanks for the pictures. It’s fun to see how booths are set up and what’s for sale. The cotton for sale reminds me of hearing a few years back of someone spray painting tumbleweeds and selling them for good money on eBay! And, I guess they were a good seller!
SO glad you came, but SO BUMMED I didn’t get to see you! 🙁 Looks like you got some great stuff though! XO 😀
this looks like so much fun and totally amazing! if this comes around again, please let me know when and where! I would LOVE to go!
[…] scored this GORGEOUS old beat up door turned towel rack while at The Chapel Market a few weeks ago. I was wondering through the tent outside when I saw the gorgeous pieces that […]
[…] Admission is just $3.00 and you get to purchase cool stuff from some of your favorite bloggers! Based on last year’s show which I wrote about here, it should be quite a doozy. Hope to see y’all […]
[…] find something I like, I stick with it. The wooden stars came from Perfectly Imperfect’s booth at Chapel Market last […]